Congratulations Richard White, October Service Hero

Richard White, volunteer services in Hot Springs, was recently recognized as a Service Hero.

He was nominated by a coworker for exemplifying every single one of our core values. The coworker said anyone who walks through our doors, receives his warm welcome and compassionate voice.

One of his favorite things to do at the hospital is to hold and love on the newborn babies.

There was a day that Richard came to work on a day that he was supposed to be off. The coworker said she believes God put him there at that time for a reason. When he got to the hospital, there was a baby girl in the nursery whose mother was deemed unfit. Richard stayed and held that baby and gave her all the love and attention she needed for the entire day. The next day, he did the same thing.

“You will never see him upset or frustrated.  He is always smiling and asking if anyone needs anything from him.  I cannot say enough great things about this angel God sent to us, Richard White!”