Jeri Crain Recognized with Hot Springs DAISY Award

Jeri Crain, RN, who works in Hot Springs’ Medical Intensive Care Unit was recognized with a DAISY Award for the care she provided an elderly patient without any nearby family.
The nurse was nominated by the patient’s niece who was contacted after her aunt came into the hospital, unconscious, soiled and near death.
After stabilizing and fully assessing the patient, Jeri began reaching out to the people on the patient’s contact list. The patient had no children or close relatives, except an estranged brother on the West Coast who couldn’t be reached for days. The woman who was contacted to give consent was the niece of the patient’s ex-husband.
In her nomination, the patient’s niece said her aunt was blessed to have this nurse of “extraordinary character” in her final days.
“I like to think of this nurse as an earth angel–one who takes the time to go beyond her duty, and she does so on a daily basis. The situation with my aunt is more common than people may realize.”
The patient’s niece praised the compassion and communication Jeri showed to her loved one throughout her stay.
“Her desire to assist in every way possible is effective, efficient and with eagerness. It is people like this nurse that make an institution rise above others and gain top recognition. She’s amazing!”
The DAISY Award was established by the DAISY Foundation in memory of J. Patrick Barnes who died at 33 of ITP, an auto-immune disease. The Barnes Family was awestruck by the clinical skills, caring and compassion of the nurses who cared for Patrick, so they created the national award to thank nurses everywhere.